Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 52 Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

Don't be a chicken.

Cluck,  cluck, cluck. Stick your right hand under your right armpit; do the same on the left side.
Cluck, cluck, cluck.  Flap your elbows while your hands are under your armpits.  Cluck, cluck, cluck.

Aren't you being silly?

Of course, you are. Silly that is.

That's what it is when we let the small things take control of our lives. Silly.

So, today, I did two specific things to not be a chicken (in other words, I lived dangerously).  I attended my business session (more on that at another bat-time, another bat-channel).  I tackled the side flower boxes that I mentioned yesterday.  

Ten minutes, that was it.  C joined me. He can do that when he knows it isn't an all day commitment. We filled a trash can, in ten minutes. It is going to be another nice day tomorrow and we will take on an additional ten minutes.  

I will say I am fortunate that C has decided to join me on this little venture.  He is seeing the power of it as well.  We cleaned out the leaves, sticks, and debris of both flower beds. Ten minutes. Nice.

Success builds on success.  I got even more done. 

I worked out, pushing a little toward one of my goals for July.  

I got the little boy dog's nails trimmed, and he was so good about it I bought him a new squeaky toy (which he is carrying around the house now).  

I drove to a honey baked ham outlet and bought a ham bone in order to make cream of broccoli soup in a couple of days when the weather cools off.

I went to the grocery store and got my unsweetened green tea and a couple items needed for the soup.

I got the car washed.

I tore up a pile of papers and tossed them. 

I culled a few more clothes. 

I made a reservation for an upcoming event. 

I even played a little and took a tiny, tiny nap (20 minutes).

Some people like to make a list and cross items off.  If that works for you great! Keep it up.  I find that I never quite get to every thing on the list which in turn makes me feel bad for not getting done all the things I thought needed to get done.

So, I take an opposite tact. I write down all that I did. I like it when I have a long list of accomplishments. I suppose it could make you feel guilty too, if you thought the list was too short, but I always have about a half-dozen things on my list when  I use that system.

That us what I am recognizing it as, a system.  Just spending a few minutes here, there, every day.  Every day I get something accomplished.  Sometimes it is important stuff, sometimes it is just those odds and ends that irritate you because they just need to be done and you don't really feel like doing them.  You know, like cleaning the toilet.

I'm pretty sure cleaning the toilet isn't high on anybody's to-do list.  But if you just take the couple of minutes to do it, it becomes a habit and pretty soon, you don't think about having to do it, because you are doing it.

So even if you cluck, cluck, cluck don't worry. You really aren't a chicken.  You're just having fun doing the chicken dance.