Monday, April 10, 2017

Day 82 I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together

Only a day and a half left of my career as a call quality analyst.  

When we got the announcement on February 15th, this day seemed so far away.  The intervening weeks have been slow and long. 

Yet suddenly I find myself here saying good-bye to the colleagues I've laughed with, debated finer points with, supported finer points with. I've also taught with them, taught to them, been taught by them. We've supported one another through crush times, getting mock calls, mock chats completed and still meeting our monthly metrics.  I  was truly blessed to be on such an awesome team.

A sign on the white board next to Q row states we are closing and then ends with an awesome reminder - We are on to new adventures.

When you live dangerously and have to face the unknown, thinking about what you are going to do from day to day, being prepared for what doors or windows may open, that is the best attitude to hold. We are on to new adventures. We're going to meet new people, form new friendships while not forgetting the people we've connected with in the past.

The Girl Scouts had it right. Make new friends, but keep the old; One is silver, the other is gold.

We couldn't be expanding our world, our sphere of influence if we didn't meet new people in one way or another.

Saying good-bye to my teammates in Florida was a lot harder than I imagined.  When my boss  mentioned saying good-bye, I cried.  I didn't expect to be so overcome with emotion. Then she played that song from the Carol Burnett Show, the one she always used at the end...I'm so glad we had this time together....

I tugged my ear.

I'm pretty darn sure a big part of the reason this job was provided me was because I needed to meet all the people I did. I helped a lot of them. However, they probably don't have a good idea of how much they helped me. 

There are so many that impacted me, so many so kind, so many asking about my foot, my eyes, how I was doing, bringing by chocolate, sharing with me their excitement over Supernatural or The Walking Dead, or comic books, or baseball, or that old show Family Affair.  

Some of us have shared heartache as when we said good-bye to our friend Donnie, a wonderful man who died so young. 

We've weathered transitions, moves, and changing roles. So many of you were there with a great attitude (which was difficult), a smile, some word of encouragement. I miss you all and I wish I could have given you a big hug when you had to go so suddenly.

I would have been a blubbering mess like I've been today.

So while this is a farewell and off to new adventures, I want all my KP friends and acquaintances to know that you were truly amazing and I am beyond privileged to know you.

May you be blessed in so much abundance you'll hardly be able to stand it. May you find the job you were born for, and always remember the world needs you and your particular gift, whatever that may be.

You are in my heart for as long as I take a breath.