Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 83 I'm So Excited

... and I just can't hide it!

Tomorrow is the day, the day I shake the dust off my shoes and walk out the United Health Group/Optum door. The day I am free of a company that doesn't live up to its own values!


Of course, I will miss my friends, many who were walked out the door nearly sixty days ago.  The survivors of the first wave are being trimmed, and there is sure to be a third wave now that another company is involved.  For those of you caught in this riptide, I'm so sorry.  There are a lot of us who know your pain and we have 100% empathy with what you are going through.

But tonight, I want to encourage you as you go through, or prepare to go through the gale.  There IS some place else you need to be. Some place else where you are not only wanted, but where your skills and talents will make a real difference.  Never, ever forget that you are important to this world and in some way, big or small you can have a huge impact.  

I'm excited for more than the end of the road with Optum.  C and I have big plans coming to fruition.  We are traveling once more in the not too distant future. The extended forecast looks awesome. Could it be that the weather has finally made a definitive turn?

Around here that's an iffy prospect. After all, we've had heavy snow on Mother's Day!

With the lay off we don't have to be in a hurry either. Sooo nice. Can't remember the last time I had that luxury...probably when I was teaching school and had summer "off."

Thomas Edison, one of the world's foremost inventors is credited with saying, "Just because something doesn't do what you planned  it to do doesn't mean it's useless."

No matter what comes my way before, during or after my little vacation, I am going to have learned. About ninety percent of the time when I travel I experience something I've never been a part of before and it strikes a creative note.  I am hoping and looking for lots of creative notes. Lots.

Recently, one of my co-workers bought one of my e-novels. She emailed to say she was already on chapter seven and said, " It's so good!!!! You are amazing!"  I'm so glad she is enjoying the story. That too has given me a push forward.

You know those pushes end up being steps into what we have labeled in our mind as dangerous.

I'm remembering I made this promise to myself. In this case, dangerous is good.  The territory isn't entirely unfamiliar but it is a country I have not visited in a good, long while.  I'm certainly afraid.  

What if I don't have what it takes anymore? I've certainly been believing that for over five years. My terra firma ended up being quicksand.  Great people threw me the life ring and pulled me out.

I think I owe it to them and myself to give this a go again. Here is what Romantic Times said about my very first book published:  A good backstory about ancient lovers, modern-day conflict, and poignant emotions make this paranormal more than just a wolf-with-fangs tale.

I had it once, the ability to weave an interesting tale. I can exercise those creative muscles again and get them strong. I CAN do it again.  The time off from working full time will give me the opportunity to workout my imagination. Already reaping a benefit from the unwanted dismissal.

I know that if I can find a bit of a silver lining those of you impacted by something like this can find it too.  It isn't always easy and it might not be right before your eyes, but you keep looking, outward and inward. You'll find that buried treasure and use it to create something fantastic and solely yours.

What is it that you really love to do? What is the passion you enjoy but work, darn it, has gotten in the way?  The first person I talked to on my first day of working for the call center, shared with me today an idea he has for a video. I think it rocks. He will have fun, no doubt about it. And this project will make the time unemployed go quicker. This project will keep his confidence high.

If you have dreams and aspirations, now is the time to start following where they lead.  Sometimes we need to get out of our own way.  Sometimes we are our worst stumbling block.

Remember what I said, "Two steps forward and one step back is still forward momentum."