Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 168 The Power of P (Pt 1)

I've been busy the past few weeks filing legal paperwork.

It's a pain, but it's  necessary.

Filing these requirements has been quite the learning experience. There is an expected deadline and it doesn't pay to procrastinate.

Procrastinate is the first P I want to say a few words about.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Day 167 Stretching

Stretching is an important part of properly exercising.  Every time I work out, stretching precedes weightlifting, aerobics, and any sort of conditioning.

Physical stretching isn't the only kind of stretching I do.  I stretch my mind by reading. I stretch my spirit through worship, meditation, and instruction. I've stretched my capacity for love, for forgiveness and for empathy.  Interestingly, I've never stretched to a breaking point; the more I stretch those qualities, the more I'm able to stretch them.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

166 Boundaries

As I work on myself, I am coming to grips with the fact that in the past I did a poor job of setting boundaries for myself.  I never had a "line" that said this far and no more.

Maybe that's because for many years I didn't need one. With my faith system in place, I knew what the boundaries were, and the people I hung out with had similar lines and so crossing them was never an issue.

Then came the troubles. They've been hitting me hard for nearly a decade and have certainly challenged me in ways I didn't expect or plan. Through recovery and extensive talks with my immediate family, I came to realize that somewhere along the way, the hard and fast boundaries I thought I had no longer existed in an absolute clear black and white.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day 165 Celebrating

Recently, I just celebrated a milestone birthday.  They seem to come around about every decade.

Ten years has made a huge difference.  Ten years ago, my oldest was still in college, one in high school and one in middle school. Now they are all adults.

Ten years ago, I hadn't had my first heart attack.  I wasn't dealing with depression, or dealing with the long-term effects of diabetes. Today, I have flat feet, a damaged heart, and fight depression on a daily basis.

But, those three kids mentioned above.  Well, they are something special.  And they pulled off something special. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Day 164 Out With the Old

With a recent hospitalization, I've come to the realization that I need to pare down, seriously.

I've three careers in my garage and basement.

For a number of years I taught middle school.  Just telling a friend tonight about some of the crazy things that happened to me early in my career.  

I entered a second career as a property and casualty phone representative and learned a whole lot about insurance, a career I revisited some years later.

My third career was that of a novelist and editor. I did a lot with romantic fiction. A lot.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 163 Risking

In order to break some of my own personal boundaries, I have to be willing to try something new.

For the past decade, that is something overall I haven't done a very good job of. 
About five years ago, inspired / reminded by my brother of my desire to skydive, I took to the skies and plummeted to the earth. It was an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. 

Since then ...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 162 Of Bucket Lists

In a month or so I'll be transitioning into the next decade of my life.  At least I hope to.  This past month hasn't been the easiest and the future doesn't look like it is going to be all sunshine and roses either. Thing is, no matter what is in store, I have faith, tested as it has been, and that will get me through the hard days.

However, it doesn't stop my mind from "wondering" or "wandering" (or maybe a combination of both).  The kids have asked me about a bucket list, and I've pretty much not had one. Usually, when I want to do something, I take a good look at it, reverse engineer what it takes to do it, and then I make a plan to get her done.

Been that way pretty much my whole life, or at least my adult life.

Hospitalizations and complications from diabetes have given me occasion to rethink having a bucket list.

So, I've decided to put together a list.  So far, it is only one item long and I'm sure more ideas will come to me as I pursue this line of thinking.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day 161 Trinkets and Treasures (Pt 2)

When you are dying it opens your eyes in ways you don't expect.

While it is true, in a philosophical sense, that none of us is guaranteed our next breath, believing you have very few of them left changes your perspective.

I mentioned in the last article that family came to assist in general cleaning of my home which I hadn't really been up to par to do for a solid six months.

Unbeknownst to me was that my sister would be emptying cupboards and china shelves.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 160 Trinkets and Treasures (Pt 1)

Again, it's been a while since I posted, and I doubt this one will be of my usual length, so I apologize in advance.

This month has been challenge filled to say the very least.  I've spent five days in the hospital and a couple of days in the emergency room.  Yep, days.

If I look back, the trouble really erupted, much like the two hot volcanoes spewing right now, about six months ago.  C and I had just come home and I took my little Chihuahua out for his evening stroll. A path we routinely take minimally twice a day.  The route is paved and fairly even; there is nothing remarkable or strenuous about it.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Day 159 Some Things I've Learned

I think I've said this before, but looking at the amount of time since my last post makes me feel ashamed.  There is no really good reason, and a lot of excuses, but what it all boils down to is me.

I read this quote today and it really resonated. It goes, Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember, a kite rises against the wind rather than with it. (Unknown)

Like I said, it really resonated.  I'm trying to get back to my "roots" and I realized a basic principal. Writers write.  Writers write every day.  It doesn't have to be good or pithy or even worth saving.  It is a discipline.  And just like a sport, or a hobby, to get good at it, you have to do it - often. You can't practice Taekwondo once a month and expect that you can break a board.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Day 158 On Coincidence

When I opened this page this evening to write my post, I noticed that it had   been exactly one month since my last entry.  I've struggled with aspects of this post for a couple of weeks now.  

Almost two weeks ago, I received a phone call and text message from my daughter telling me that one of  my favorite college professors had passed away. I wasn't surprised.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day 157 New Year New Start

We're not New Year's Eve party-goers.  About the wildest thing we ever did to say good-bye to the old year was go to a Red Wings game at Cobo in Detroit.

Low key.  That's how we end the year. Sometimes we're lucky if we make it to midnight - although the fireworks usually alert us to the change into the new year.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 156 Ending the Year

                                                                                                    Wow, we just left the past year in the dust.  Was it a good one?
Did you manage to accomplish any of last year's resolutions?  Can you find at least three bright spots?
Did I focus on the negative, no doubt about it.  But, the layoff also allowed me to attend my nephew's wedding and visit my oldest son in Baltimore, not restricted by return dates.